

6月14日-7月15日举行 世界杯32强抽签仪式将于北京时间12月2日晚22:00举行,同时揭幕战及半决赛的场地也将在当晚公布,决赛地点则于明年三月揭晓。 在俄罗斯世界杯分组出炉之后,FIFA宣布将32强分成8个小组进行预选赛,每个小组的比赛赛程从6月14日至7月15日进行。

8支球队将通过双循环积分制决出小组名次,头名直接晋级淘汰赛阶段,成绩最好的8个小组第2名通过交叉淘汰赛争夺另一张8强门票。值得一提的是,由于本届世界杯采取扩军政策,共有有32支队伍参加比赛,因此8个小组前两名和4个成绩最好的小组第三名都将晋级复赛。 FIFIWEEKEN:WORLD CUP RUSSIA 2018 DRAW ON DECEMBER 2nd,FINALS LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED IN MARCH.

On December 2, the FIFA World Cup Draw for Russia 2018 will be held in Moscow at 19:00 local time (GMT+4) and aired live on all FIFA platforms, including TV channels, digital networks and social media accounts. The venues of the Finals matches are expected to be confirmed by March next year.

The 32 teams will be divided into eight groups according to a draw which takes place in St Petersburg, with games taking place from June 14 until July 15. Each team plays six group stage fixtures, against each other team once home or away, totalling two matches per match day. At the end of the group phase, the top two sides will advance to the Round of 16.

The three best ranked third placed teams also progress to this knockout round while fourth placed teams drop out of the tournament.

For the first time ever, the quarter finals will begin with the second last two best ranked teams meeting as Group E/G runners up play the winners of Group F/H. These cross-over tie will take place no later than the afternoon of Friday,July 6. After that, there is an extended rest period until the semi finals on Sunday,july 14 before the final,which takes places on Sunday,july 15.


6月7日,俄罗斯总统普京宣布,第21届世界杯足球赛将于当地时间6月14日在莫斯科卢日尼基体育场开幕 本次世界杯共有32支参赛队,其中亚洲有韩国、日本、伊朗和沙特阿拉伯四队出线。此外还有欧洲的比利时、法国、德国、阿根廷,南美的巴西、哥伦比亚以及中北美及加勒比海地区的美国。 中国作为历史上首次晋级决赛圈的中国代表队将参加在俄罗斯举行的本届世俱杯的比赛。 此次小组赛中中国将与埃及,突尼斯和澳大利亚同在一个小组进行比赛争夺小组第一。
